Research? Survey? Consumer deep dive…
If you are new to research, here we are to quickly walk you through the nuances, and if you are well versed with how research can benefit businesses, keep reading to know how we do it differently.

Come, let us walk you through the art of conversations.

Research as a domain predominantly takes up two directions – qualitative & quantitative. When does one opt for either of the above methodologies you ask? Here you go! 

Qualitative research stands for spending quality time and having insightful long chats with a handful of customers of your category. By doing so, we get access to some of their most deep rooted concerns, expectations and preferences. On the other hand, quantitative research stands for validating a derived hypothesis or gathering the responses of a larger customer base by having shorter and focused interactions.

Let’s look at some of the most critical nuances of qualitative and quantitative research.

Some commonly asked questions with respect to the above mentioned methodologies :

Research costs vary, but budget-friendly options exist. Research can be managed on a tight budget with smart planning and resource allocation.

Your choice depends on what you want to learn, who your audience is, and how much you can spend. We can help tailor an approach that fits your needs.

It varies, but a thorough research project scaling from exploration to validation may run for a span of 90-120 days. This timeframe may significantly drop down if the sample size, geographies covered and areas of exploration is drastically cut down.

There are two ways of approaching this – we draw defined criteria based on the nature of respondents we are seeking and the same is passed on to our field team who will then fetch for relevant respondents, the other way is to engage with our existing customer base by requesting them to give us some time for the interview.

Think about where your customers are, the concerns you want to understand better and the areas you plan to expand in. We’ll work with you to find the best balance between representativeness and affordability.

Research can uncover valuable insights into your market, customers, and competition, guiding your product development, marketing strategies, and overall business decisions.

Our specialized methodologies in the above mentioned domains are

To get a detailed understanding of the mentioned methodologies and how they will impact your brand’s growth, please get in touch with us and we shall draft a plan of action for your brand.