Founded in 2010, Factive Research believed in speaking
unadulterated facts and figures. 

Our dear founder “Mr.Yogesh Shendye” set out on a mission to deliver differentiated results by extending ‘Trust’ as his foremost offering.

He believes in conversing with people, understanding their vulnerabilities towards brands and markets. With a unique pursuit in mind, Factive marched on to experience multiple categories and consumer pockets, thereby gaining a strong hold on the Indian subcontinent.

To shed some light on why we believe in doing research the way we do, we must walk you through our inception story. 

While we may or may not be very different from fellow research firms, we surely were built on the premise of speaking unfiltered facts and that is precisely what sets us apart.

I have seen and known the research industry flourish through my professional years, across industries. The act of having fruitful conversations, the most inherent human truth, fascinated us. But we strongly felt the need to take a stand against manipulation of spoken facts, mis-representation of data and misleading conclusions.

We also believe in regional contextualisation and hence felt the need to access distinct consumer pockets, across the country. Though we started small, our aim was to have a diverse and dynamic presence across the nation and so we did eventually.

The beauty of consumer research is that it never is restricted to the consumer alone, one’s exposure to one’s surroundings, culture and art has a direct impact on one’s behaviors, desires and aspirations, and it’s certainly ain’t an easy task to decode all these anecdotes from just an hour long conversation. We knew we had to structure our work further. Besides that, ‘research’ intimidates and overwhelms most clients – possibly because of cost, time taken, terminologies used, etc. 

With the need to lay down a concrete ground and streamline the research process for easy understanding, we started working on our
Six-Step approach.

– Founder, Yogesh Shendye